Our story.
We are a family following Jesus together. This means we're more than just a Sunday church. We're a church that disciples one another, has genuine God-centred relationships and does life together.
Our story so far
Over the summer of 2018, nine of us were sent from Grace Church Nottingham after God clearly spoke and called us to start a new church in Manchester, as part of the Grace Connection family.
We had our first gathering in our home in September 2018, with the nine of us and a few others. Since then, God hasn't stopped bringing new people along - students, families, people young and old, from all over the world have become a part of the Revelation family.
In summer 2019, we had grown to the point where we won’t fit in a living room any more - however hard we tried to squeeze in! - so the time had come to move into a venue. We began weekly meetings in Birch Community Centre in Fallowfield from September 2019 and had the great joy of worshiping as a family, sharing food and baptising a number of people.
We thought we’d be there a while, but in March 2020 we went into lockdown along with the rest of the country. During the Covid pandemic, we wondered what the future of our church would be - but God showed his overwhelming kindness and generosity by adding to our number, and strengthening us as a church. As 2021 rolled around, we felt the voice of God to ‘reposition’, and find a new - long term - home.
Through a number of clear prophetic words and pictures we felt God clearly lead us to the Powerhouse, a large community space near Moss Side. God not only led us there, but opened the door, and we started meeting there in April 2021. You can find out more about the Powerhouse over at our Sundays page!
Grace Connection
Revelation Church is part of Grace Connection - a family of churches including Grace Church Nottingham, King's Church Birmingham and The River Church Newcastle in the UK, as well as two churches in Malawi.
Our dream is to partner with God to build a church that is able to touch every part of Manchester with the Gospel, and to add to our growing family by raising up and sending teams to start new churches in Greater Manchester, other UK cities, and beyond.